Provision and Abundance!


Last night I had a very interesting and prophetic dream. I dreamed I was at a teacher training with some teacher friends. We were going to have lunch and one teacher said she’d go to the basement to the cafeteria. I told her I knew a restaurant on a high floor in the library with beautiful views over the water. The restaurant had a buffet with a variety of foods. The waiter said there weren't as many strawberries due to rat poison destroying them.

As I went to get some meat at the end, I noticed this was where we paid as well. I’d left my purse at the table with my friends and was going to tell them I’d go get my purse. Then I saw white envelopes with money for us to pay. I took one and opened it to pay the man at the register. I took a $50 bill and gave it to him. Then I noticed a few hundred-dollar bills in the envelope and was amazed. I handed him $100 in addition and said to keep it as a tip since I had so much. I asked where he got it from and he said he was very blessed in his ministry. I was amazed and asked him how as I haven’t had many people sowing money into my ministry. I asked if he put the same amount of money in every envelope or did I chose the largest? He smiled. He said I should come back, chose again, and find out! I ask him to pray for me to be blessed financially and then I woke up!

There are many facets to this dream and I believe that we can all find prophetic significance for ourselves in this dream if we chose to. I believe the teacher training signifies the training the Lord has me in for His calling. This training will continue until I go to my heavenly home with Him. Instead of going low to the basement, I tell them we should go to the high place. The library represents heavenly wisdom. This is where we should all go with the Lord, seeking Him first in all things! Not only does the Lord want to show us His beauty, but water signifies cleansing and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us in the way we should go. Food represents the Word and will of God. All of this is our foundation for everything and guides us in the way we should go. This buffet of a variety of foods reminds me of the banqueting table of Jesus. He is preparing His Bride and preparing a table for us with the choicest foods. The strawberries represent choosing the good fruit rather than the temptation of what may appear good, but underneath is full of poison or evil. It’s having the discernment to be led by the Lord to know the difference!

Fifty signifies extreme grace and hundred represents maximum blessing and financial wholeness. The white envelope signifies the pure heart of God to give good gifts to His children. The money represents faith and seeds sown. This dream also reminds me of the parable of the talents and how the Lord gave me the envelope with a lot of money, money I didn’t deserve or earn. The Lord chooses to give talents of varying amounts to different people, expecting us to use what is given to us to multiply it for His Kingdom. I believe the man at the register represents the Lord who gives freely. When we sow generously back to Him, He is pleased, and gives us even more!

I have been specifically asking the Lord for strategy and to speak to me in my dreams and He has! God has opened huge doors lately and divinely aligned me and the people around me with strategically, divinely aligned people to bring in the abundant provision of the Lord for our callings to save children. We must seek first the Kingdom of God in all things as we must be led by Him, prepared, have the right heart posture, and use discernment. In His kindness, God brings us His blessings when we are ready and in His timing!