Extravagant Repayment!


God is so good! I recently shared about the successful event I led to save our children and nation. Unfortunately, I lost quite a bit of money on the event and added to the expense, my luggage was lost/stolen the week before. The Lord showed me it was a seed sown and He was building my faith. I pressed in deeply to Him. Within ten days, not only was this loss covered, but above and beyond!! On top of this, generous donations are flowing in for our vaccine lawsuit and for the speakers at the event. It has been above and beyond what I could hope or imagine! I keep crying in gratitude!! It’s all been worth it. Wow God!! I’m amazed at the continued divine alignments who believe in Kingdom sowing. God is so good!!! Wow. I’m overcome by His goodness! The sky is the limit. All for the children!!

When you seek God first, look what He does!! Many have prophesied God would abundantly provide for what I’m doing. I’m undone by His goodness, I can barely sleep. Praying abundant blessing over you all. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. More Lord, for all of us!

I was at the Ritz Carlton near Laguna Beach, where I visited when I lived there as a kid, when I found out about this extravagance. How fitting!! To be surrounded by beauty and extravagance when finding out about His extravagance is amazing! I love going to these beautiful places and dreaming! The prophetic act played out in a big way!! He’s so good!